Haddock and cod are both members of the family Gadidae. Before the
advent of refrigeration, cod was preferred due to it's suitability for
salting. Presently, fresh and frozen haddock have now become the
consumer's number one choice, presenting a more delicate, slightly
sweeter flavour than cod. 
Hook &
Line Fresh Haddock
Sustainable Alternative
Seafoods is proud to offer the highest quality haddock caught using
only traditional hook and line, from independent fishers along the
south shore of Nova Scotia. We purchase only fish which are properly
handled the moment it is removed from the hook. Our goal is to
maintain that perfect quality from hook to your table. To accomplish
this, fish are removed by hand into a slush tank. Slush is a mixture
of seawater and ice. This prolongs the breakdown of protein and
maintains that fresh caught flavour. Fish remain in slush until hand
cut into fillets. Fishing vessels employed for this method make day
trips (maximum 2 days) in order to maximize conditions for handling
this slushed product. Once filleted, we do our utmost to deliver the
product to your business or home within 24 hours. This product is so
fresh, we believe a 5 day refrigerated shelf life is entirely
only can we provide the best fresh haddock product available, but
Goldwater promotes stewardship practices essential for a thriving
fishery. Purchasing locally caught and processed fish are also
important values inherent in our company policy. 
are a bottom dwelling species, which is caught on both sides of the
North Atlantic. It is smaller than cod and can be distinguished by a
dark lateral line and a black spot behind the gills, known as the
"Devil's Thumbprint". Average length and weight is 50 - 60cm. and 1 -
2.5 kg. respectively. The meat provides excellent nutrition, low in fat
and is an good source of sodium and potassium. Cooking is restricted
only to one's imagination, the most popular North American presentation
being battered fish and chips. Smoked haddock is also a very popular
and has been made famous as Finnan Haddie.
Seafoods can fulfill all your haddock requirements year round, whether
it be our popular 6/12 oz. skinless boneless fillets, frozen smoked
fillets or custom ordered to your specifications. 
is the list nutritional breakdown for 100g of haddock:
- Energy 80 cal
- Minerals g
- Protein 19g
- Sodium 60mg
- Fat 0.7g
- Potassium 308mg
- Cholesterol 60mg
- Calcium 42mg
- Carbohydrates 0g