inhabiting Maritime waters are commonly called Atlantic or American
oyster. Their scientific genus and species name is Crassostrea
virginica. Goldwater oysters are harvested from natural beds throughout
PEI and Nova Scotia.
They are
members of the bivalve family, one valve being cupped, the other flat.
The extreme tightness of these valves, prolong storage capacity.
Oysters are protandric, meaning they spawn as males immediately after
maturing, then spawn as females as they grow larger. Spawning typically
occurs in early summer, water temperature dependant, and it is during
this period the meat will become thin, the result of increased energy
expenditure by the animal. Size, shape, flavour and food value are all
affected by their habitat, nutrient supply and water temperature.
are categorized for the commercial market into three major groups:
standard, choice and fancy. Within these groups they may be further
classified into small, medium and large. Goldwater Seafoods typically
carries standard and choice, the majority of these types being small
choice and large standard. Average length of small choice is 70-80mm.
and 100-130mm. length on the large standard.
A 100g.
serving of raw oyster meat contains: |
- Energy 68cal
- Protein 7g
- Sodium 211mg
- Total Fat 2g
- Saturated Fat 1g
- Cholesterol 53mg
- Carbohydrates 4g
food is an excellent source of Iron, Zinc and Copper. |